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Romantic Valentine's Day Vignette

What You’ll Need

Featured Designs


  • Please read through all the instructions before beginning.
  • There are various sizes of the designs; use what you wish for your project. For this project, the smallest sizes of the designs were used.
  • For each hooping, use two layers of fibrous water soluble stabilizer. The fibrous type of water soluble stabilizer doesn’t break down as all the stitches are sewn.
  • Read through the product instructions for dissolving the stabilizer.
  • For stitching success, use the smallest hoop possible for stitching the designs.
  • The designs used in this project can be used in so many ways!
  • DO NOT use a regular burning candle for this project!


  • Gather the materials needed to create the projects.
  • Measure the circumference of the candle.

  • There are two sizes of hearts.
  • The smallest heart was used for the project, but the large heart can also be used; the project will just end up larger.

  • It is so much fun to play with different layouts in the software.
  • If you don’t have software, then just print out several copies of the design and use them to configure different design ideas.
  • Once you have figured out which layout you like, then you’ll know how many of each heart needs to be stitched.

Machine Prep, Hooping, and Stitching

  • Load the chosen design and chosen thread color on the machine.
  • Hoop two layers of fibrous water-soluble stabilizer.
  • Stitch the design.
  • It is so much fun to water FSL designs stitch!

  • Repeat hooping and stitching for the number of hearts needed.
  • Roughly cut out the designs from the stabilizer.
  • Save pieces of the stabilizer for use later.

  • Decide on the layout for the heart candle mat—there are so many options!

  • For the Candle Wrap, follow the same steps as was done for the hearts.
  • Hoop two layers of water soluble stabilizer.
  • Load the chosen size design on the machine.
  • Stitch the design.

  • Stitch as many designs as needed to wrap around the candle
  • Trim away the excess stabilizer from around the design, trimming close to the ends—be careful not to cut the threads.

  • Thread the sewing machine with the same thread for both the top and bobbin that was used to stitch the design.
  • Align the designs as planned.
  • Lower the feed dogs on the machine.
  • Set the stitch width for 4.0mm and the length to 0mm; this will create a tacking stitch.
  • Align and butt the sections together and zig zag the sections together.
  • Be sure the needle falls between the satin stitches on both the left and right.
  • Repeat for the top and bottom on each section.

  • Rinse out the excess stabilizer described in the next step.

  • Once all the designs have been stitched and trimmed, dissolve the remainder of the stabilizer in water following the manufacturers’ directions.
  • Lay the designs on the towel and pat the excess water out with a piece of paper toweling.
  • Leave the designs to dry, moving them periodically on a dry towel so they don’t stick to the towel.

Final Steps

  • Lay out the designs as planned.
  • The loops will be attached using a stitch on the machine.
  • To aid stitching the loops together, use a double folded piece of water-soluble stabilizer underneath.
  • Load the sewing machine with the same thread used to stitch the hearts in the top and bobbin.
  • Lower the feed dogs and an open toe foot.
  • Position the loops of adjoining hearts and use a button-sewing stitch, or a zig zag set at 4.0mm width and 0mm length.
  • Tack the sections together, making sure the needle catches both sides of the loops.

  • After all the sections are attached, rinse away the water soluble stabilizer.
  • Lay the candle mat flat to dry.
  • The candle mat is ready to use.


  • There are other options for using these FSL designs!
  • String them together with a ¼” ribbon running through the loops to make a decorative bunting.
  • Use the larger heart as a coaster to coordinate with the rest of the set.


Congratulations! You will find that by varying the thread color, this project can be used for a bridal shower, anniversary, or even wedding tables! Whether for yourself or a gift, learning new ways to use embroidery designs increases your enjoyment of stitching. There is no doubt your project will be a “Grand Slam!”


By the "Grand Slam Designs" Team

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