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Holiday Santa Snicker Doodle Embroidery Design Pack

Brand: Adorable Ideas

Included in this Pack

Holiday Santa Snicker Doodle

Holiday Santa Snicker Doodle Embroidery Design Pack is an embroidery library created by Adorable Ideas which includes 20 machine embroidery designs. Holiday Santa Snicker Doodle Embroidery Design Pack embroidery set comes in many different embroidery formats and is available for instant download after purchase at

Holiday Santa Snicker Doodle

Holiday Santa Snicker Doodle Embroidery Design Pack is an embroidery library created by Adorable Ideas which includes 20 machine embroidery designs. Holiday Santa Snicker Doodle Embroidery Design Pack embroidery set comes in many different embroidery formats and is available for instant download after purchase at

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Holiday & Seasonal Text

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Holiday Trees & Borders Embroidery Design Pack is an embroidery library created by Grand Slam Designs which includes 7 machine embroidery designs. Holiday Trees & Borders Embroidery Design Pack embroidery set comes in many different embroidery formats and is available for instant download after purchase at

$7.00 $19.99
Free Design Warnings

3 free designs per week with no purchase,

6 free designs per week with $35 purchase, or

9 free designs per week with $75 purchase.
