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101-305-2 Invisible Marking Pen (White) Embroidery Blanks & Notions

Key Features:
 • Use to temporarily mark dark and medium-dark colored garments and other embroiderable items. This handy disappearing pen writes clear and turns white within a few seconds.
 • Perfect for design placement marking either prior to or after hooping. Also useful for pattern tracing.
 • Compatible with most fabrics. Be sure to test on an inconspicuous spot prior to using on main area of garment.
 • Disappears on its own over time. Can be removed with water or heat from an iron for quick removal.
 • Length of time to disappear on its own is dependent on the type of material and the environmental conditions.
Available in 1 Sizes: 101-305-2 Invisible Marking Pen (White)
Brand: Madeira
Manufacturer: Madeira
SKU: MP01-1013052
+ -

White temporary marking pen vanishes on its own.

White temporary marking pen vanishes on its own.

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Key Features:
 • 8" x 8" pre-cuts
 • 100 pieces per pack
SKU: MP01-30488WEZEE
Brand: Madeira

E-Zee Weblon No Show Fusible 1.65 oz

Key Features:
 • 6.5" x 6.5" pre-cuts
 • 250 pieces per pack
Brand: Madeira

E-Zee Cut Super Hefty 3.0 ounce

Key Features:
 • 8" x 8" pre-cuts
 • 250 pieces per pack
Brand: Madeira

E-Zee Tear Plus - Crisp 1.8 oz Backing

Key Features:
 • AlbaChem® lily white machine oil has a telescoping spout, enabling you to reach hard to access areas on embroidery, sewing and other textile machinery.
 • This high quality water white oil is stainless, which is ideal when working with fabric.
 • The higher viscosity (ISO 46) results in less dripping. Includes a red cover to prevent accidental spills.
SKU: MP01-2874
Brand: Madeira

AlbaChem® Zoom® Spout lily white lubricating oil is for embroidery machines.

Key Features:
 • 6inX6in 250/pk WHITE
SKU: MP01-W1566
Brand: Madeira

W15-6.6 E-ZEE TEAR WASHAWAY 1.5oz: 6inX6in 250/pk WHITE

Key Features:
 • Used for creating raised 3D embroidery designs
 • Non-toxic, water-resistant and machine washable
 • Flammable and cannot be dry-cleaned
SKU: CCI01-PFM0002
Brand: CT Company

Puffy Foam is a colored embroidery foam used for creating raised 3D embroidery designs with machine embroidery. It add a modern look to any design!

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